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bilaterally symmetrical

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Ortografia fonetica di bilaterally symmetrical

bi-lat-er-ally sym-met-ri-cal
b-i-lat-er-ally sym-met-rical

Sinonimi di bilaterally symmetrical

Esempi di in una frase

68, k), absent in Chondrophorida and Cystophorida; they are contractile and resemble, both in appearance, structure and function, the umbrella of a medusa, with radial canals, ring-canal and velum; but they are without manubrium, tentacles or sense-organs, and are always bilaterally symmetrical, a p
The Lamellibranchia are mainly characterized by the rudimentary condition of the head, and the retention of the primitive bilateral symmetry, the latter feature being accentuated by the lateral compression of the body and the development of the shell as two bilaterally symmetrical plates or valves c
In all other Siphonophores, the ancestral form was a Siphonula, a bilaterally symmetrical Anthomedusa After Haeckel, from Lankester's Treatise on Zoology.
In association with this movement in a definite direction the body has become vermiform and bilaterally symmetrical.

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