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Impara a pronunciare Sy


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Pronuncia Sy con 2 pronunce audio
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Ortografia fonetica di Sy


Significati per Sy

Sy is a last name originating in France in the 1600s.
It is a French surname.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "Sy" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Contenuto del wiki per Sy

Esempi di in una frase

Leaked Syrian government emails indicate weapons supplied to Hamas
Ascoltare Leaked Syrian government emails indicate weapons supplied to Hamas pronuncia
Gold, the most perfect metal, had the symbol of the Sun, 0; silver, the semiperfect metal, had the symbol of the Moon, 0j; copper, iron and antimony, the imperfect metals of the gold class, had the symbols of Venus Mars and the Earth tin and lead, the imperfect metals of the silver class, had the sy
Amorphous sulphur or Sy exists in two forms, one soluble in carbon bisulphide, the other insoluble.

Traduzioni di Sy

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