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Ascoltare residuum pronuncia 1
2 Giudizi
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : rɪˈzɪdjʊəm
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Ortografia fonetica di residuum

ri-zij-oo-uh m

Significati per residuum

It refers to the Geological term residue sense of arcane energy.

Sinonimi di residuum

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "residuum" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Assured that his explanation was true, Bradley corrected his observations for aberration, but he found that there still remained a residuum which was evidently not a parallax, for it did not exhibit an annual cycle.
Along this line of speculation we have a logic which claims that whatsoever is in one plane or at one stage in the development of thought a residuum that apparently defies analysis must at another stage and on a higher plane be shown so to be absorbed as to fall altogether within thought.

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