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Significati per forestalled

It is a verb that can be defined as taking an action to prevent someone from doing something.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "forestalled" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Franklin's rival, Andrew Bradford, forestalled him by three days with the American Magazine (1741) edited by John Webbe, which ran only to two numbers.
The occupation, effected on the 5th of February, was accelerated by fear lest Italy might be forestalled by France or Russia, both of which powers were suspected of desiring to establish themselves firmly on the Red Sea and to exercise a protectorate over Abyssinia.
Forestalled what might be the next move: Some of us pumped on our heads -- mine's damp yet.
Forestalled only by a correct policy, adapted to the actual situation.

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