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Pronuncia forearm con 1 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈfɔːrɑːm
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Significati per forearm

It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means the arm's lower part.

Sinonimi di forearm

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "forearm" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

The lines of cardinal importance are (I) the rasceta or cross sulci, which isolate the hand from the forearm at the wrist, and which are the flexion folds between the looser forearm skin and that tied down to the fascia above the level of the anterior annular ligament.
Its elastic tendon runs directly to the carpus, forming thereby the outer margin of the anterior patagium, or fold of skin between the upper and forearm, which it serves to extend, together with the propatagialis brevis muscle.
Sweat coated his exposed chest, and he wiped his brow with his forearm.

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