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Pronuncia disavowed con 1 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : dɪsəˈvaʊd
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Significati per disavowed

To disown certain responsibilities.

Sinonimi di disavowed

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Esempi di in una frase

Eden's return the viceroy at once disavowed his treaty, sternly stopped the former allowance for the Assam Dwars, and demanded the immediate restoration of all British subjects kidnapped during the last five years.
The Taliban have repeatedly disavowed any intention of taking their struggle beyond these frontiers.
Disavowed any intention of taking their struggle beyond these frontiers.
Disavowed violence to the person.
Frequently criticized for being a Hindu chauvinist, he has disavowed parochialism and presents himself as a leader for all Indians

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