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Impara a pronunciare crew cut

crew cut

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Pronuncia crew cut con 2 pronunce audio
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Significati per crew cut

This is a style of haircut for men, that is made by short cropping the hair overhead, such that they look standing upright and the rest of the hair is even shorter.

Sinonimi di crew cut

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Esempi di in una frase

The 32-year-old detective with bright red crew cut and opened-collar sports shirt looked as if nothing short of a catastrophe would cause him a lick of concern.
Two More Charged In Operation Crew Cut Racketeering Case
A Union Pacific Railroad crew cut down the 43-foot tree Monday and loaded it onto a flatbed trailer for the 9-mile trip to the museum in the old Union Station
Construction has resumed on the Redmond Way Stormwater Treatment Facility project following a delay caused by a construction crew cutting through fiber and copper cables on Sept

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