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Pronuncia conduce con 2 pronunce audio
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18 Giudizi
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17 Giudizi
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : kənˈdjuːs
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Esempi di in una frase

Dark, swarthy; yellow, copper-coloured are all adjectives employed to describe their complexion - the truth being that their habits of life do not conduce either to the preservation or display of the natural colour of their skin, and that some of them are really fair, and others, perhaps the majorit
Least of all can it conduce to the formation of sound critical standards for the new instrumentation which is now in process of development for the future forms of instrumental music. These, we cannot doubt, will be as profoundly influenced by Wagner as the sonata style was influenced by Gluck.
” Queste sono le enigmatiche parole incise sulla porta che conduce al regno degli Uomini d'Oro

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