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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈsɪtɪz
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Significati per cities

It refers to the human settlements that are well organized and administrated.

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Esempi di in una frase

Protesters in Philadelphia and Other Major US Cities Decry Airstrikes Over Gaza
Ascoltare Protesters in Philadelphia and Other Major US Cities Decry Airstrikes Over Gaza pronuncia
Thousands Of People Protested In Support Of Palestinians In Major Cities Around The World
Ascoltare Thousands Of People Protested In Support Of Palestinians In Major Cities Around The World pronuncia
‘We Don’t Have To Do It’: Mask Mandate Confusion Abound In Twin Cities
Ascoltare ‘We Don’t Have To Do It’: Mask Mandate Confusion Abound In Twin Cities pronuncia
In wake of court ruling, St. Louis-area cities to revisit panhandling laws
Ascoltare In wake of court ruling, St. Louis-area cities to revisit panhandling laws pronuncia
Napheesa Collier back in Twin Cities but won't be able to play for Lynx right away
Ascoltare Napheesa Collier back in Twin Cities but won't be able to play for Lynx right away pronuncia
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Traduzioni di cities

Tendenze di tendenza sul cities

Protesters in Philadelphia and Other Major US Cities Decry Airstrikes Over Gaza
Ascoltare Protesters in Philadelphia and Other Major US Cities Decry Airstrikes Over Gaza pronuncia
Pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Philadelphia Saturday — as they did in Los Angeles, New York, Boston and other U.S. cities — to demand an end to Israeli airstrikes over the..Visualizza l'articolo
NBC 10 Philadelphia NBC 10 Philadelphia
Protesters in major US cities decry airstrikes over Gaza | Raleigh News & Observer
Ascoltare Protesters in major US cities decry airstrikes over Gaza | Raleigh News & Observer pronuncia
Pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta and other U.S. cities Saturday to demand an end to Israeli airstrikes over the Gaza Str..Visualizza l'articolo
Raleigh News & Observer Raleigh News & Observer
Lottery, beer, and NASCAR: States and cities lure vaccine holdouts with incentives
Ascoltare Lottery, beer, and NASCAR: States and cities lure vaccine holdouts with incentives pronuncia
Several state and local officials have introduced a range of incentives for getting vaccinated in an attempt to win over holdouts.
Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
As vaccinations for Quad-Cities' kids expand, virus-related deaths stalked the area
Ascoltare As vaccinations for Quad-Cities' kids expand, virus-related deaths stalked the area pronuncia
Five area residents died this week — and all four of the victims in Rock Island County had been hospitalized. A COVID-19 death was reported Friday in the Q-C, marking four straight days of v..Visualizza l'articolo
Quad-City Times Quad-City Times
Gov. Lee's charter school expansion mission aims beyond Tennessee's big cities
Ascoltare Gov. Lee's charter school expansion mission aims beyond Tennessee's big cities pronuncia
Since Tennessee's first public charter schools opened in Memphis and Nashville in 2003, the state's charter sector has been contained to its four largest cities. But that could change in a f..Visualizza l'articolo
Times Free Press Times Free Press
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