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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈbaʊndrɪz
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Significati per boundaries

A book written by Henry Cloud and John Townsend was published in the year 1992.

Sinonimi di boundaries

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Esempi di in una frase

Jihadi Videos Push Islamic Music's Austere Boundaries
Meet the Man Who Believes Creativity Knows No Economic Boundaries
The Garrett County commissioners voted Tuesday to table a decision on service area boundaries of the county’s water and sewer master plan, suggesting that more specific notifications regarding potential ad valorem tax rates be given to customers and that other details be clarified
After the death of Ragnar LObrok's sons East Anglia was occupied by the Danish king Guthrum, who made a treaty with Alfred settling their respective boundaries, probably about 880.
Canada's Labrador and Quebec dispute their boundaries
Ascoltare Canada's Labrador and Quebec dispute their boundaries pronuncia

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