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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈɔːdɪtəz
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Significati per auditors

An auditor is someone or an organisation hired by a business to carry out an audit.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "auditors" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

State auditors criticized the watchdog of the child welfare system for sloppy paperwork and inconsistent policies, and also said the office's perceived lack of independence is a hinderance
The remembrance of his teachings was long treasured by such of his auditors - amongst whom were J.
Fisherman of Auditors official commented: These are not coal miners or deep-sea fishermen.
It increased the number of senators and representatives, created the office of lieutenant-governor, substituted biennial for annual sessions of the legislature, introduced minority representation in the choice of the higher judiciary and of the county commissioners and auditors and provided (as had
The EU should be held answerable to the Court of Auditors, and not the other way around.

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