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Pronuncia arithmetical con 2 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˌærɪθˈmetɪkl ærɪθˈmetɪkəl
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Ortografia fonetica di arithmetical

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Significati per arithmetical

It is a mathematical way to measure a mean or a value of a decimal or a sum and it is a wide area and it brings in all equations and formulas.
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Esempi di in una frase

Statistical inquiries as to the incidence of taxation or of particular taxes, though ideal or even approximate equality of a palpable arithmetical kind is practically unattainable by governments, are not altogether to be put aside.
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To assist his lectures on astronomy he constructed elaborate globes of the terrestrial and celestial spheres, on which the course of the planets was marked; for facilitating arithmetical and perhaps geometrical processes he constructed an abacus with twenty-seven divisions and a thousand counters of
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He generalized Weber's law in the form that sensation generally increases in intensity as the stimulus increases by a constant function of the previous stimulus; or increases in an arithmetical progression as the stimulus increases in a geometrical ratio; or increases by addition of the same amount
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Hence if all the energy supplied to the train is utilized at one axle there is the fundamental relation RV (I) Continuing the above arithmetical illustration, if the wheels to the axle of which the torque is applied are 4 ft.
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The arithmetical half of mathematics, which had been gradually growing into algebra, and had decidedly established itself as such in the Ad logisticen speciosam notae priores of Francois Vieta (1540-1603), supplied to some extent the means of generalizing geometry.
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arithmetical dovrebbe essere in frase

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