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Pronuncia anterior con 4 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ænˈtɪərɪə ænˈtɪərɪə*
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Significati per anterior

anterior chamber angle
anterior abdominal wall
anterior scalene muscle
a tooth situated at the front of the mouth
anterior cerebral artery
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Esempi di in una frase

The various comparisons previously made between the structure of Limulus and the Eurypterines on the one hand, and that of a typical Arachnid, such as Scorpio, on the other, had been vitiated by erroneous notions as to the origin of the nerves supplying the anterior appendages of Limulus (which were
The molar teeth are six in number on each side, increasing in size from before backwards, and, as in the elephants, with a horizontal succession, the anterior teeth being lost before the full development of the posterior ones, which gradually move forward, taking the place of those that are destroye
His body was buried in the church 1 This letter, even if spurious as now suspected, is found in the 11th-century Leiden MS., and is therefore anterior to the first crusade.
Associated with this is the strength and sharpness of the lower jaw, the prominence and anterior pcsition of the masseteric ridge, and the depth of the ramus from the alveolar line to the angle.
his malocclusion was caused by malposed anteriors

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