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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈæntɪʧeɪmbə ˈæntɪʧeɪmbə*
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Esempi di in una frase

Rhyn's body felt wooden, and his heart flew.  He opened the door to the antechamber and stopped, surprised at who sat within.
He paused in the doorway to allow a familiar shudder to pass before stepping into the brightly lit antechamber.
Rhyn left the cell block to Toby's protests and walked with Gabe through the antechamber and into the hallway on the other side.  Gabe's gaze was dark, his air brooding.  Rhyn opened a portal, and they crossed through to Gabe's cabin in the underworld.
Having dug their way past huge decapitated sphinxes, broken through a wall guarded by two caryatids and emptied out an antechamber decorated with stunning mosaics, experts have
The discovery was made in Thessaloniki, Greece, in a burial ground which contained sphinxes, sculptures of caryatids and an antechamber decorated with elaborate mosaics

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