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Impara a pronunciare toughen


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Pronuncia toughen con 2 pronunce audio
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1 valutazione
Ascoltare toughen pronuncia 2
0 valutazione
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : tʌfn
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Ortografia fonetica di toughen


Significati per toughen

toughened glass
make tough or tougher

Sinonimi di toughen

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "toughen" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Economy - Bush toughens up on Central America
One in five firms felt that national union leaders would only toughen their stand in the coming year.
Toughen the law against protests outside the homes of scientists.
Bush, Brown threaten further sanctions against Iran
Ascoltare Bush, Brown threaten further sanctions against Iran pronuncia
Department of Defense denies federal funding to schools that ban military recruiting
Ascoltare Department of Defense denies federal funding to schools that ban military recruiting pronuncia
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