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Impara a pronunciare suffice


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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : səˈfaɪs
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Significati per suffice

A word that means "to fulfill a need".

Sinonimi di suffice

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Esempi di in una frase

Learn English: How to pronounce 'Suffice' correctly
Ascoltare Learn English: How to pronounce 'Suffice' correctly pronuncia
Tens of images can suffice to train neural networks for malignant leukocyte detection
Ascoltare Tens of images can suffice to train neural networks for malignant leukocyte detection pronuncia
2022 Honda Civic Revealed, One Official Image Will Have to Suffice for Now
Ascoltare 2022 Honda Civic Revealed, One Official Image Will Have to Suffice for Now pronuncia
CDC says establishments don’t have to clean multiple times a day, once a day should suffice
Ascoltare CDC says establishments don’t have to clean multiple times a day, once a day should suffice pronuncia
‘Back to normal’ will simply not suffice: the Super League 12 need to be punished
Ascoltare ‘Back to normal’ will simply not suffice: the Super League 12 need to be punished pronuncia
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Traduzioni di suffice

Tendenze di tendenza sul suffice

Our View: Inaction will not suffice
Ascoltare Our View: Inaction will not suffice pronuncia
Cloaking ourselves in warm homes might be great, but it won’t suffice. The weekly Our View editorial represents the consensus opinion of The Union Editorial Board, a group of editors and wri..Visualizza l'articolo
image-unavailable The Union
EUR: The Promise Of Decisions No Longer Suffice
Ascoltare EUR: The Promise Of Decisions No Longer Suffice pronuncia
Juncker believes that a deal is close but we have been there before and promises no longer suffice. With this mind, February 20 th is not very far away. If the Euro area Finance Ministers ma..Visualizza l'articolo
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Birx warns coronavirus closures won't suffice in this phase of pandemic, report says
Ascoltare Birx warns coronavirus closures won't suffice in this phase of pandemic, report says pronuncia
Coronavirus-related closures of public places won’t stop virus spread in this phase of the pandemic, where at-home gatherings are contributing to cases, one White House official warned Thurs..Visualizza l'articolo
image-unavailable Fox News
Will my driver’s license number suffice during traffic stop?
Ascoltare Will my driver’s license number suffice during traffic stop? pronuncia
A viewer wants to know, “If I forget my driver’s license can a law enforcement officer verify it from my number if I remember it?” First, I would like to commend anyone who can actually ...
image-unavailable Click Orlando
‘Back to normal’ will simply not suffice: the Super League 12 need to be punished
Ascoltare ‘Back to normal’ will simply not suffice: the Super League 12 need to be punished pronuncia
But there are multiple reasons why “back to normal” simply will not suffice here. This idea, this specific scheme, may have died a death. But the cartel lives on, and so do the circumstances..Visualizza l'articolo
image-unavailable The Guardian
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