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Impara a pronunciare substitute


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Pronuncia substitute con 5 pronunce audio
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40 Giudizi
Ascoltare substitute pronuncia 2
30 Giudizi
Ascoltare substitute pronuncia 3
3 Giudizi
Ascoltare substitute pronuncia 4
0 valutazione
Ascoltare substitute pronuncia 5
-7 valutazione
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt
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Ortografia fonetica di substitute


Significati per substitute

substitute mother
substitute judge
substitute the words
cheap substitute
poor substitute
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Sinonimi di substitute

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "substitute" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

France held to 1-1 draw with Korea Republic in Group G
Ascoltare France held to 1-1 draw with Korea Republic in Group G pronuncia
Quick goal sees Bayern advance over Real Madrid
Ascoltare Quick goal sees Bayern advance over Real Madrid pronuncia
Spain beat Ukraine 4-0 in Group H
Ascoltare Spain beat Ukraine 4-0 in Group H pronuncia
Queensland win W-League Grand Final
Ascoltare Queensland win W-League Grand Final pronuncia
European football: Real Madrid wins third consecutive Champions League beating Liverpool 3-1
Ascoltare European football: Real Madrid wins third consecutive Champions League beating Liverpool 3-1 pronuncia

Traduzioni di substitute

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Contrari per substitute

Come si pronuncia George Washington?

jo-rj waa-shu-hng-tn
jor-j wa-shuh-ng-tn
jorj waa-shuhng-tn
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