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Pronuncia permeating con 2 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈpɜːmɪeɪtɪŋ
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Significati per permeating

It is a verb that means spreading or spread throughout.

Sinonimi di permeating

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Esempi di in una frase

The char is then settled by water being slowly run on to it, in order to prevent the syrup making channels for itself and not permeating the whole mass evenly.
The democratic propaganda, which was permeating all the large towns of the peninsula, then led to the formation of numerous and powerful clubs and secret societies; and the throne of Victor Amadeus III., of the house of Savoy, soon began to totter under the blows delivered by the French troops at th
Growth and reliance on networking are permeating every aspect of our world

Traduzioni di permeating

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