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Impara a pronunciare peck


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Pronuncia peck con 3 pronunce audio
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Significati per peck

kiss lightly
eat by pecking at, like a bird
a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 gallons

Sinonimi di peck

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Esempi di in una frase

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Tendenze di tendenza sul peck

Cindy Lynn (Maines) Peck Coleman, Salem, Ohio
SALEM, Ohio (MyValleyTributes) – Cindy Lynn (Maines) Peck Coleman, 62, of Salem, died at 1:58 p.m. Thursday, December 12, 2019, at Akron City Hospital after becoming ill in Salem. She was bo..Visualizza l'articolo
COLLEGE ATHLETES: Chambersburg's Peck seeing hand raised often at UVA
COLLEGE ATHLETES: Chambersburg's Peck seeing hand raised often at UVA Drew Peck has placed in three tournaments so far in a nice start to his junior year. Check out this story on publicopini..Visualizza l'articolo
Public Opinion Public Opinion
Ryan Brandon Peck
SOUTH GLENS FALLS — Ryan Brandon Peck, 33, of South Glens Falls, passed on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2019. Born on Oct. 24, 1986 in Glens Falls, during the World Series, he was the son of Pamela (B..Visualizza l'articolo
The Post-Star The Post-Star
PECK, Sandra Johnson, of Richmond, formerly of Salem, Va., went to be with her Lord December 9, 2019. She was born October 16, 1940, in Matoaka, W.Va. Sandra was one of three daughters of th..Visualizza l'articolo
Richmond Richmond
Tyler Peck drugs death: Mother guilty of supply and cruelty
A mother has been found guilty of giving her son prescription drugs that led to his death. Tyler Peck, 15, was found dead at his mother Holly Strawbridge's home the morning after a drugs bin..Visualizza l'articolo
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