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Impara a pronunciare Jehoshaphat


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Pronuncia Jehoshaphat con 2 pronunce audio
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15 Giudizi
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3 Giudizi
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ʤɪˈhɒʃəfæt
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Ortografia fonetica di Jehoshaphat


Significati per Jehoshaphat

Means "YAHWEH has judged" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he is the fourth king of Judah, noted for having a generally peaceful and prosperous reign.
He was the son of Asa who was the fourth king of the Judah Kingdom which is completely according to 1 Kings 15:24.

Sinonimi di Jehoshaphat

Esempi di in una frase

Xiv.; see AsA); Jehoshaphat's wars and judicial measures (2 Chron.
Elijah is canonized both in the Greek and in the Latin Churches, his festival being kept in both on the 10th July - the date of his ascension in the nineteenth year of Jehoshaphat, according to Cornelius a Lapide.

Traduzioni di Jehoshaphat

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