Take an Interesting Quiz on the First Man and Woman "Adam and Eve". thumbnail
Take an Interesting Quiz on the First Man and Woman "Adam and Eve". thumbnail

Take an Interesting Quiz on the First Man and Woman "Adam and Eve".

10th - University grade
Played 17 times
Preview (10 questions)
1 Question
30 secondi fa

 From which part of Adam's body did God make Eve?





2 Question
30 secondi fa

 What tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from?

 The Tree of Death

 The Tree of Life

 The apple tree

 The tree of knowledge of good and evil

3 Question
30 secondi fa

 What animal tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?





4 Question
30 secondi fa

 What did Adam and Eve use to cover themselves?

 Fig leaves

 Tree bark


 Animal furs

5 Question
30 secondi fa

 How many years did Adam live?

 305 years

 670 years

 930 years

 500 years

6 Question
30 secondi fa

What did Adam and Eve hear when they were hiding?

The sound of the LORD God

Birds sound

A Lion's Sound

Serpent's sound

7 Question
30 secondi fa

 Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a keeper of sheep'?





8 Question
30 secondi fa

 Who gave names to the living things God created?





9 Question
30 secondi fa

 What was Adam doing when God took one of his ribs?


 In a deep sleep

 Walking through the garden

 He was unconscious

10 Question
30 secondi fa

 Who did Adam blame for his disobedience?


 The woman (Eve)

