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Significati per Hermits

It is a noun that can be defined as a person who can live without contact with other people.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "Hermits" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Lake in Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos (1909) traces the development through three well-defined stages in the 9th and 10th centuries - (a) the hermit period, (b) the loose organization of hermits in lauras, (c) the stricter rule of the monastery, with definite buildings and fixed rules und
Among his other lyrical volumes, of dates earlier than the Civil War, were Lays of my Home (1843), Voices of Freedom (1846), Songs of Labor (1850), The Chapel of the Hermits (1853), The Panorama (1856), Home Ballads (1860).

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