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Pronuncia fanciful con 3 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈfænsɪf(ə)l
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Significati per fanciful

It is an adjective that denotes something unrealistic.

Sinonimi di fanciful

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Esempi di in una frase

For our part, we are not disinclined to believe that the Robin Hood story has some historical basis, however fanciful and romantic the superstructure.
It is interesting to note that the fanciful derivation of the same Veronica from the words Vera icon (euccav) true image - is not, as has been thought, of modern origin, since it occurs in the Otia Imperialia (iii.
700, after which time that language seems definitely to have been displaced in favour of Ethiopic or Geez: the condition of the script and the coins renders them all difficult to identify with the names preserved in the native lists, which are too fanciful and mutually contradictory to furnish of th

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