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Pronuncia example con 12 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ɪgˈzɑːmpl
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Ortografia fonetica di example

ig-zam-puh l

Significati per example

It is a noun term that refers to the object that is apt o something you are about to say.
an occurrence of something
punishment intended as a warning to others
a representative form or pattern
examples of its application
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Esempi di in una frase

Universal and FOX are shutting down "Firefly" t-shirt sites
Ascoltare Universal and FOX are shutting down "Firefly" t-shirt sites pronuncia
We'll always have .paris: ICANN votes for top level domain registration in 2009
Ascoltare We'll always have .paris: ICANN votes for top level domain registration in 2009 pronuncia
China warns US to avoid trade confrontation
Ascoltare China warns US to avoid trade confrontation pronuncia
Election of new 7 wonders of the world: deadline approaching
Ascoltare Election of new 7 wonders of the world: deadline approaching pronuncia
Two arrested in England with alleged connections to Canadian bomb plot
Ascoltare Two arrested in England with alleged connections to Canadian bomb plot pronuncia
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Traduzioni di example

Tendenze di tendenza sul example

Rapid COVID-19 results for travelers is another example of pandemic's unequal impact, health advocates say
Ascoltare Rapid COVID-19 results for travelers is another example of pandemic's unequal impact, health advocates say pronuncia
In Oakland's Fruitvale District, one of the hardest hit by COVID-19 in the Bay Area, organizing testing in the community has been a struggle. "Not having access to rapid response testing and..Visualizza l'articolo
ABC 7 San Francisco on MSN.com ABC 7 San Francisco on MSN.com
Platinum Plan Just Another Example of President Trump Supporting the Black Community—Democrats Could Learn Something From This
Ascoltare Platinum Plan Just Another Example of President Trump Supporting the Black Community—Democrats Could Learn Something From This pronuncia
All too often, we see Democrats attack Black Americans like me who refuse to fall in line and answer every beck and call. We’re called names like “Uncle Tom” and
Townhall Townhall
Tottenham boss Mourinho wants out-of-favour Alli to follow Ndombele's example and get Spurs career back on track
Ascoltare Tottenham boss Mourinho wants out-of-favour Alli to follow Ndombele's example and get Spurs career back on track pronuncia
The England international has been used sparingly in the early season and has been urged to look to the Frenchman's example
Giants’ Watson leads by example to boost young bullpen in final year of contract
Ascoltare Giants’ Watson leads by example to boost young bullpen in final year of contract pronuncia
San Francisco Giants left-hander Tony Watson has been one of the the majors’ best relievers in 2020, the final year of his contract, although his greatest value has been leading by example t..Visualizza l'articolo
San Francisco Chronicle on MSN.com San Francisco Chronicle on MSN.com
Breonna Taylor’s Attorney: Grand Jury Decision Is Example of Systemic Racism
Ascoltare Breonna Taylor’s Attorney: Grand Jury Decision Is Example of Systemic Racism pronuncia
Demonstrators took the streets for another night Friday in Louisville, Kentucky, to protest the killing of Breonna Taylor, a Black emergency medical worker who was killed by white police off..Visualizza l'articolo
Voice of America Voice of America
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