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Pronuncia distich con 1 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈdɪstɪk
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Significati per distich

It is a noun term that means, a pair of verse lines.

Sinonimi di distich

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Esempi di in una frase

There are long streets and terraces of fine houses belonging to the merchants and manufacturers of the city which amply testify to its prosperity, and recall the 16th century distich that Antwerp was noted for its moneyed men (Antwerpia nummis).
The people of Malines gained in the old distich - gaudet Mechlinia stultis - the reputation of being fools, because one of the citizens on seeing the moon through the dormer windows of St Rombaut called out that the place was on fire, and his fellow-citizens, following his example, endeavoured t

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