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Significati per disregarding

DIsregarding is a verb that can be defined as treating a matter as unimportant.

Sinonimi di disregarding

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "disregarding" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Previously John, disregarding the custom of the past, had taken as much as he could extort.
When I think back to that afternoon, and lord knows, I've pondered the incident a thousand times, I marvel at our collective wisdom in disregarding caution and acting as we did.
Disregarding the neutrality of the Germanic System, Napoleon sent a strong French corps to overrun Hanover, while he despatched General Gouvion St Cyr to occupy Taranto and other dominating positions in the south-east of the kingdom of Naples.
Disregarding popular tradition, which connects the origin of the town with a legend that Charlemagne, when retreating before the Saxons, was safely conducted across the river by a doe, it may be asserted that the first genuine historical notice of the town occurs in 793, when Einhard, Charlemagne's

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