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Pronuncia crudely con 2 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈkruːdlɪ
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Thus Christian ethics may be said to insist equally on duty to self and duty to others, while crudely egoistic systems become unworkable if a man renders himself obnoxious to his fellows.
That Zeno and Cleanthes crudely compared this presentation to the impression which a seal bears upon wax, with protuberances and indentations, while Chrysippus more prudently determined it vaguely as an occult modification or mode of mind, is an interesting but not intrinsically important detail
In a video from YouTube channel Filthy Frackers , a collection of popular '90s grunge rock songs are re-imagined in 8-bit form and placed alongside crudely animated (but admittedly charming) montages featuring the music videos of the songs
- The taryings 011, slate palettes appear to begin with work crudely accurate and forceful, the heavy limbs being ridged with tendons and muscles (Plate II.

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