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Impara a pronunciare connective tissue

connective tissue

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Ortografia fonetica di connective tissue

con-nec-tive tis-sue
con-nect-ive tis-sue
connective tissue

Significati per connective tissue

Connective tissue is the tissue that links or isolates all other tissues in the body and supports them.

Sinonimi di connective tissue

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Esempi di in una frase

In Carinella, Cephalothrix, Polia and the Metanemertines the two tegumentary layers with their different glandular elements are fused into one; a thick layer of connective tissue is situated beneath them (instead of between them) and keeps the entire cutaneous system more definitely separate from th
Filaria medinensis - the Guinea worm - is parasitic in the subcutaneous connective tissue of man (occasionally also in the horse).
The continued use of large doses of alcohol produces chronic gastritis, in which the continued irritation has led to overgrowth of connective tissue, atrophy of the gastric glands and permanent cessation of the gastric functions.
H, Epidermic cell-layer; mes, mesoblastic connective tissue; n, nerves; II, III, IV, V, depressions of the epidermis in each of which a cuticular lens will be formed.
The plexus of nerve-fibrils which underlie the ectoderm and are in places gathered up into nerves, and the great development of connective tissue, are worthy of notice.

Traduzioni di connective tissue

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