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circulatory system

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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈsɜːkjʊlətərɪ ˈsɪstɪm
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Ortografia fonetica di circulatory system

cir-cu-la-tory sys-tem
cir-cu-lat-ory sys-tem
circulatory system

Significati per circulatory system

It is the vascular system that helps to circulate blood through the body.

Sinonimi di circulatory system

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Esempi di in una frase

He defined them as possessing radial instead of bilateral symmetry, and as apparently destitute of nervous system and sense organs, as having the circulatory system rudimentary or absent, and the respiratory organs on or coextensive with the surface of the body; he included under this title and defi
There are large changes in the lungs and circulatory system

Traduzioni di circulatory system

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