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Significati per chipping

This is a word that refers to the act of slicing or cutting something into bits or fragments.

Sinonimi di chipping

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "chipping" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Chipping away at a huge undertaking
In this category may be placed head-deformation, which reached its extreme development among the Indians of North-West America and the ancient Peruvians; foot-constriction as practised by the Chinese; tooth-chipping among many African tribes; and waist-compression common in Europe at the present day
The more characteristic and useful birds include many species of the sparrow, such as the song, swamp, Lincoln's chipping and field sparrow; the bank, barn, cliff, white-bellied and rough-winged swallow, as well as the purple martin and the chimney swift; ten or more species of fly-catchers, includi
Such alterations in temperature produce strains which frequently result in the chipping off of small fragments of the material composing the stone.

Traduzioni di chipping

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