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Pronuncia cervical con 2 pronunce audio
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89 Giudizi
Ascoltare cervical pronuncia 2
88 Giudizi
IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : sɜːˈvaɪkl ˈsɜːvɪk(ə)l
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Ortografia fonetica di cervical

sur-vi-kuh l

Significati per cervical

cervical vertebra
cervical mucus
It refers to the neck spinal region that is separated by intervertebral discs.

Sinonimi di cervical

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Esempi di in una frase

Medtronic Receives FDA Approval for PRESTIGE(R) LP Cervical Disc System
Can CTs detect cervical spine injuries?
HPV Test Beats Pap Smear in Gauging Cervical Cancer Risk, Study Finds
It may be added that in the Oreodontidae the vertebral artery pierces the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae in the normal manner.
Ascoltare It may be added that in the Oreodontidae the vertebral artery pierces the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae in the normal manner. pronuncia
There are five pairs of larger sacs belonging to the pulmonary system: - (1) prebronchial or cervical, extending sometimes far up the neck, even into the cranial cavities; the throat-bags of the prairie fowls (Cupidonia and Pedioecetes) are a further development; (2) subbronchial or interclavicular;
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