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brokerage firm

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Ortografia fonetica di brokerage firm

broker-age firm
bro-ker-age firm

Significati per brokerage firm

This is a company that is involved in managing various bonds and stocks.

Sinonimi di brokerage firm

Esempi di in una frase

In the latter year he helped to organize the banking and brokerage firm of Hornblower & Weeks, Boston, Mass., of which he was a member until 1912.
He's keeping an eye on it for the Antibes yacht brokerage firm he now works for.
Brokerage firm to purchase the shares on your behalf based on your needs.
Online brokerage firm, E*TRADE Financial Corporation (ETFC) reported an upsurge in its Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs) for Jul 2014
The median down payment for the cheapest 25 percent of properties sold in 2013 was $9,480 compared with $6,037 in 2007, the last year of the previous economic expansion, according to data from 25 of the largest metro areas compiled by brokerage firm Redfin Corp

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