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Pronuncia boatman con 1 pronunce audio
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IPA e ortografia Fonetica
IPA : ˈbəʊtmən
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Ortografia fonetica di boatman

boht-muh n

Significati per boatman

It is a plural of noun that means rides in a boat.

Sinonimi di boatman

Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "boatman" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

Of the Old English version of Bada written Cedmon, Ceadmann) is not explicable by means of Old English; the statement that it means boatman is founded on the corrupt gloss liburnam, ced, where ced is an editorial misreading for ceol.
Dallas-based Yvolver, which offers a loyalty rewards-based platform for mobile titles, has hired Travis Boatman to its advisory board, the company told GamesIndustry
Tammy Boatman, 41, of Rockford took Grand Champion honors with her bull Dynasty in the Polled Hereford division
The 2,300-pounder was born in September 2012 on Boatman and her husband's farm, Perks Ranch
“Everybody comes out and sits around now,” said Bill Boatman of Williamsport

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