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Pronuncia beads con 3 pronunce audio
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Significati per beads

beads threaded on a string

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Esempi di in una frase

It may be diminished by introducing clippings of platinum foil, pieces of porcelain, glass beads or garnets into the liquid.
A white desk crammed in a corner was covered with teen magazines, and a box of beads had spilled and scattered a rainbow across the carpet.
Although they were the same shape, they were lighter, like comparing plastic beads to glass ones.
The main objection to the Hempel is the retention of liquid in the beads, and the consequent inapplicability to the distillation of small quantities.
If the incrustation be white and readily volatile, arsenic is present, if more difficultly volatile and beads are present, antimony; zinc gives an incrustation yellow whilst hot, white on cooling, and volatilized with difficulty; tin gives a pale yellow incrustation, which becomes white on cooling,

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