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Impara a pronunciare auditory meatus
auditory meatus
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Ortografia fonetica di auditory meatus
au-di-tory mea-tus
aud-it-ory meatus
auditory meatus
Significati per auditory meatus
It is an internal audio canal.
Contenuto del wiki per auditory meatus
Esempi di in una frase
No importance can be attached to the presence of horns as an indication of affinity between Arsinoitherium and the Amblypoda; and there are important differences in the structure of the skulls of the two, notably in the external auditory meatus, the occiput, the premaxill.ae, the palatal foramina an
They contribute to the formation of the auditory meatus, and of the right and left carotid canals which accompany the eustachian tubes.
Audio canal.
Traduzioni di auditory meatus
Chinese :
Korean :
청각 도
Spanish :
meato auditivo
Portuguese :
meato auditivo
Russian :
слуховой проход
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