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at the least

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Pronuncia at the least con 2 pronunce audio
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Ortografia fonetica di at the least

at the least
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Significati per at the least

"At the least" is a phrase that means "no less than" or "the smallest that is possible or likely".
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Quiz su at the least


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Esempi di in una frase

At the least there should be some consideration of four separate systems of discovery - the Eastern, in which Chinese and Japanese explorers acquired knowledge of the geography of Asia, and felt their way towards Europe and America; the Western, in which the dominant races of the Mexican and South A
16 Giudizi valutazione Giudizi
From one stage to another, fabrics, forms and motives of decoration develop gradually; so that, at the close of a span of more than two thousand years, at the least, the influences of the beginning can still be clearly seen and no trace of violent artistic intrusion can be detected.
15 Giudizi valutazione Giudizi
Weismann, however, from theoretical considerations and from analysis of supposed cases has at the least thrown doubt on the transmission of acquired characters.
14 Giudizi valutazione Giudizi
According to Miss Nightingale nursing ought to signify the proper use of fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, quiet, and the selection and administration of diet - all at the least expense of vital force to the patient.
13 Giudizi valutazione Giudizi
The Greek economy shrunk at the least in nearly six years during the three months ended June, in a sign that the painfully-long recession may be nearing an end, figures from the Hellenic Statistical Authority showed Wednesday
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at the least dovrebbe essere in frase

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