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Significati per amaryllis

It is a plant having snowy white to reddish flowers and is native to the Western Cape region of South Africa.
bulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers
To Sparkle

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Contenuto del wiki per amaryllis

Amaryllis - Amaryllis () is the only genus in the subtribe Amaryllidinae (tribe Amaryllideae). It is a small genus of flowering bulbs, with two species.
Amaryllis belladonna - Amaryllis belladonna, (Jersey lily, belladonna-lily, naked-lady-lily, March lily) is a plant species native to Cape Province in South Africa but widely cultivated as an ornamental.
Amaryllis (Shinedown album) - Amaryllis is the fourth studio album by American rock band Shinedown. It was announced on January 3, 2012, the same day as the first single, "Bully," was released, for release on March 27, wi
Amaryllis (restaurant) - Amaryllis was a restaurant located in the One Devonshire Gardens hotel in Glasgow, Scotland. It was opened by chef Gordon Ramsay, with David Dempsey operating the restaurant on a daily basis
Amaryllis Collymore - Amaryllis Collymore (1745–1828) was an Afro-Barbadian slave who gained her freedom from her relationship with a white man.
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Esempi di in una frase

They are members of the amaryllis family and look very much like the Cape belladonna lily of South Africa, Amaryllis belladonna lily of South Africa, Amaryllis belladonna.
AMARYLLIS (the name of a girl in classical pastoral poetry), in botany, a genus of the natural order Amaryllidaceae, containing the belladonna lily (Amaryllis Belladonna), a native of South Africa, which was introduced into cultivation at the beginning of the 18th century.
Thus, the Lent lily is Narcissus Pseudonarcissus; the African lily is Agapanthus umbellatus; the Belladonna lily is Amaryllis Belladonna (q.v.); the Jacobaea lily is Sprekelia formosissima; the Mariposa lily is Calochortus; the lily of the Incas is Alstroemeria pelegrina; St Bernard's lily is Anther
This amaryllis relative is likely the
Amaryllis is so much more than a holiday decoration
Ascoltare Amaryllis is so much more than a holiday decoration pronuncia
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Traduzioni di amaryllis

Tendenze di tendenza sul amaryllis

Planting amaryllis bulbs is a simple process and a great gift
Ascoltare Planting amaryllis bulbs is a simple process and a great gift pronuncia
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Q. I’m thinking of giving a “living gift” to my sister-in-law on Thanksgiving. I’d like to plant an amaryllis bulb but have never done that. Would you advise me? G.G., Al..Visualizza l'articolo
Albuquerque Journal Albuquerque Journal
Plan Ahead for Amaryllis Blooms All Winter Long
Ascoltare Plan Ahead for Amaryllis Blooms All Winter Long pronuncia
Let amaryllis fill your home with flowers for the holidays and keep the blossoms coming all winter long. When you plant several different types of amaryllis bulbs, from both the southern and..Visualizza l'articolo
TAPinto TAPinto
CATHIE DRAINE: Amaryllis will bring color to long winter days
Ascoltare CATHIE DRAINE: Amaryllis will bring color to long winter days pronuncia
Few plants delight me in winter more than a pot of amaryllis showing its colorful trumpet-like flowers as the snow whirls outside. This is the season when colorful boxes of the bulbs are ava..Visualizza l'articolo
Rapid City Journal Rapid City Journal
Amaryllis is so much more than a holiday decoration
Ascoltare Amaryllis is so much more than a holiday decoration pronuncia
Amaryllis bulbs are popping up all over the place in fancy little gift boxes for holiday giving. And to be sure, when it comes to color and style, amaryllis is one of the most impressive flo..Visualizza l'articolo
The St. Augustine Record The St. Augustine Record
MASTER GARDENERS: You get what you pay for when buying Amaryllis bulbs
Ascoltare MASTER GARDENERS: You get what you pay for when buying Amaryllis bulbs pronuncia
It won’t be long until there will be Amaryllis bulbs for sale at checkouts in box stores, hardware stores and nurseries. You get what you pay for and that is especially true when you are buy..Visualizza l'articolo
Odessa American Odessa American
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