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Significati per acolytes

A popular Australian thriller film was directed by Jon Hewitt.
Ulteriori informazioni sulla parola "acolytes" , la sua origine, forme alternative e utilizzo da Wikizionario.

Esempi di in una frase

The duties of the acolyte, as given in the Roman Pontifical, are identical with those mentioned in the Statuta Ecclesiae Antigua of Arles: It is the duty of acolytes to carry the candlesticks, to light the lamps of the church, to administer wine and water for the Eucharist.
The new prince, who was compelled to purchase his elevation with a heavy bribe, proceeded to the country which he was selected to govern, and of the language of which he was in nearly every case totally ignorant, accompanied by a horde of needy hangers-on; he and his acolytes counted on recouping th

Traduzioni di acolytes

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